Well, we leave on wednesday morning on a trip around the world. I am quite excited and blessed to have such an opportunity. How many people get to do this? Imagine what our kids will be able to experience.
The first leg of the flight is an 18 hour trip to Hong Kong. Then a 2 hour flight to Cebu city and a 2 hour bus ride to Delagute. Man, I love international travel. What I really love is seeing the people of a different country. We all go through the same tests, trials, joys, and experiences in life. They are just on a different level or experienced from a different perspective. It really makes me feel connected to every person. I challenge the 1 or 2 people reading this to see the stranger as their brother or sister today. Doing this isn't easy but it is the right and just thing to do. We may not feel like it, but hey if I did everything I feel like doing I would be in prison or dead! We should treat everyone like we wish to be treated and that is how you make the world beautiful.
"Universal Love". a VD poem
8 years ago
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