As I get older I realize that money isn't everything, but it sure helps.
Allison and I have been going through all this infertility crap and it is frickin draining, both on our nerves and wallet. Seriously, we go in to the doctor...we get bad news...and a bill for a crap ton of money. I think next time I will ask to be puched in the face so I can at least get something for the money.
I am not really mad at any of this, more just frustrated. I mean who am I to decide who gets children and who doesn't. The tough part is in dealing with the fact that we are not in control of everything in our lives. I know that seems obvious but if you really think about it, are you in charge of your breathing? What about your health? The other drivers on the road? when you will die? The point is not to be scared, rather to be aware that you are not the center of the universe. This is not to say that I just say screw it. I have an obligation to work my butt off and be the best that I can be in everything. This obligation comes from within.
God Loves me and you more than all human love combined and because of that love and redemption my obligation is to be to my neighbor as God is to me. That means I do my best with respect to all. I am not the best writer, but I think you get my point.
I ask for prayers during this time and from God I ask that we be filled with joy no matter what, because in the end I just want us all in Heaven. AMEN!
"Universal Love". a VD poem
8 years ago