I have succomed to the blog bug. My brother Rob has a blog and I really enjoy the topics and insight that we may not normally be able to have about other people. I wanted to write my first entry about something...something, relevant.
It is advent, the 4 weeks before Christmas, and it is a time when we reflect and prepare ourselves for Christs coming. Like during Lent, we repent and do penance for our sins and rejoice in the coming of our Lord. I was thinking about how for 9 months the Blessed Virgin Mary was carrying around God. She could feel the Child within her, kicking, growing...what an amazing experience. Yet she did it with all humility and selflessness. Immediately after hearing from the Angel Gabriel that She would bring the Savior of the world into the world, she goes to assist her relative who is pregnant with John the Baptist. When the time came for Jesus to be born all that was available was a stable. The King of Kings born in a barn, amongst swine? Ironic isn't it that the very reason for his coming is to save all of us who have been that very swine. Whether it is pride, envy, lust or the other deadly sins, he comes to tell us, "Hey, I have you, just turn to me."
In the past 3 years I have realized through no effort of my own that He does have plan for all of us. The problem is when I focus on myself, I block the view of His plan for me.
"Universal Love". a VD poem
8 years ago